Monthly Alumni Membership

This subscription is for people who have completed Level 1 (FFME) and would like to take advantage of discounted attendance at weekly alumni groups.

This membership gives you free access to all Evening Alumni Groups and special private events we hold occasionally with FFI.

The Monthly Alumni Membership includes all sessions offered per month, which is typically four. At times it may be 3-5, depending on holidays and number of Tuesdays per month. Refunds will not be offered. Members may cancel at any time.

Your monthly membership lasts as long as you want it to. It renews on the same day of the month you signed up.

If you’d like to cancel, please email Please note, the moment you cancel, you lose access to free tickets. We cannot refund you a prorated amount, so cancel at a strategic time, like right after the last alumni group before your membership renews.

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons