Alumni Groups FAQ

Where do I get my link for Alumni Groups?

It depends on what kind of membership you have with us.

If you’re part of the paid monthly membership group:

($75/month with free access to alumni groups), you can go to the course to get the link or go to the pinned post at the top of the Alumni Membership (paid) group on We will update the link in both of these places as it changes. It should always work for you.

If you’re having a hard time accessing the page, MAKE SURE YOU’RE LOGGED IN to

If you’d like to have emails sent to you with the link to the meeting, you’ll need to register each time. A coupon code is located in the course for you to use if you prefer this.

If you’re attending as a one-time registrant:

you should have received an email when you signed up that included the link as well as an email reminder with the link in it. Make sure you remember which email address you used to sign up as you searched for the link. Also double check that you signed up for the appropriate date.

If all else fails, contacting Forward-Facing®️ admin staff for the link will not be of use to you unless we are working during the Alumni Group time (considering it’s in the evening, we will probably be living our lives with our families and not paying attention to work-related concerns). Dr. Gentry has given us permission to offer you his cell number if you’re experiencing unprecedented difficulty: 941-720-0143

PLEASE don’t overuse it. Dr. Gentry has a life too, and is very graciously offering this to you specifically for alumni group access issues.

Do you keep track of our attendance for recertification?

IF you register for each alum group, we will have record of which groups you signed up to attend, but we won’t have record that you were actually there. We depend on you to keep track of your attendance. You can use the recertification attendance sheet to do that.